I love hats. My mom always said I had the face for them. Maybe not the hair, but thats besides the point.
Now, as an indie author, I have to wear many different hats. Marketing. Writing. Editing. Creative supervisor. Street team. Cheerleader. Publisher. I'm sure there are others missing, but you get the picture.
When I first decided to publish Short Autumn Days, I had no idea so much went into it. A cover? Sure! I made one online. Editing? Done! I used my spelling and grammar checker. Marketing? Yep. I told all my friends. Publisher? Check! I got Amazon for that.
Boy, oh boy, was I wrong.
It is not easy being an indie author. But I love it. It has been six months since I hit "submit" on Short Autumn Days. Since then, I have learned (and cried) so much. I know I have not "arrived" in my writing career, but I hope in five years from now I have moved from the place (metaphorically) I am now.
So, bear with me, okay? Stick around, enjoy the (bumpy) ride, and hang on for dear life! Where we're going, we don't need roads... Wait, wrong story...