Thats the title of my new ebook I'll be publishing soon. Its very exciting and I'm so nervous. I've been writing stories since I was a little girl and never actually thought I would publish anything. I don't think it will be a New York Times best seller or anything. But even if one person reads it and likes it, thats validation enough to continue.
I still have to finish editing it, but I've played with the manuscript on the Amazon publishing app and it looks like a real book. How cool is that? I've dedicated it to my best two best friends. One is my husband who one of the characters is based off (why, not right?) And the other is my best friend of almost 9 years. Her and I have sent each other stories and goofy things for so long. These two people have read my story and pushed me to finish it.
Its taken over a year, and honestly, it shouldn't have. I got discouraged and started feeling down about my writing. Who doesn't feel insecure about something they have made? I have felt so vulnerable and exposed. My inner imagination on display for others to see. And thats pretty scary, for me. My point is, I'm finally doing it. And if I can get this one going, there will be a sequel to it. I'll share the link to my ebook once its done.
