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Writer's pictureLorena Para

Been gone for a bit

Updated: Mar 26, 2019

Hey all! I've been gone for a bit. I had some medical issues that put me down for a while. I felt like I should be blogging since I had some down time, but with a toddler and other responsibilities I found myself getting lazy and not wanting to blog.

BUT! I have finished my novelette. Well, nearly finished it. I still have a few tweaks and my husband is editing it for me. I know I should get a professional editor, but when "affordable" is $1,400... yeah, not gonna happen.

Can I be honest? I feel so inadequate. Thats the word that keeps going through my head when I think about publishing my first book. In my heart, I feel like its not good enough. The more I read "writing tips" and even fictional books that I enjoy I feel like my story isn't good enough. I keep thinking that if I just restarted it and added more to descriptions, or spent more time coming up with better scenes, then it will be better. But then, I tell myself that if I do that, I will never get my book out and it will forever stay on my computer (until I lose the files which always seems to happen).

So, here I am, on the cusp of self-publishing my first book and so excited. But also, I feel so vulnerable. I don't know what to classify my book as. Maybe young adult? It has aliens. But I want it to be more mature. No, not "R-rated" mature. *Sigh* I just want to get my work out. I've been sitting on this particular story for almost a year, now. I'd start and stop and write here and there. Finally, I sat down and molded it together. And I am really proud of it. It is my little brain baby and I'm so scared to let it out into the world where others will see it. And as every parent, I love my little baby book and just want it to be the best it can be.

I'm going to publish it. I will. The second story is already "gestating" on my laptop and in my mind. My decisions is I will just do it and eventually I'll get better and I'll have better stories, but I can always look back and say "hey, I started here."

Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

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